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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Fifi Awards. Afficher tous les articles


Usher Smells Like Victory!

Usher a remporté aux FIFI Awards le prix du parfum de célébrité de l'année! "Je suis heureux d'avoir trouvé un nouvel amour et une nouvelle passion, les parfums" a t-il déclaré en acceptant son prix "Le parfum est la seule chose qu'il reste lorsque l'on enlève tout le reste" a t-il rajouté en coulisse.


"The evening’s other high-profile winner was Usher, who picked up the Celebrity of the Year Award (fragrances from Avril Lavigne, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, and Halle Berry were all nominated in the Popular Appeal category, but none of their famous creators materialized. ) “I’m really happy about finding a new love and a new passion, which is fragrance,” Usher said as he accepted his FiFi. Talk about igniting passion: “Fragrance is the thing that stays on when everything else comes off,” he told us in a near whisper later on backstage."
